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financials & supporters

Our highly sustainable hybrid-funding model means we can do more with every philanthropic dollar, putting it to work for our youth.


the power of social enterprise

Through our social enterprise model, young adults contribute directly to their futures and our bottom line by generating revenue that offsets the cost of services.

our latest financials

TOTAL FY22 REVENUE: $9,693,343

Our youth-run business supports our operations, paying for nearly half of what it takes to run More Than Words. Their efforts are matched by generous supporters and government grants.


Earned Revenue (32%): $3,057,911

Philanthropy (43%): $4,249,670Government (25%): $2,385,762

TOTAL FY22 EXPENSES: $9,630,014

More Than Words invests in an extraordinary team to do this hard work with our youth, and in paying our youth for their work advancing their business and their lives.


Adult Staff (41%): $3,976,313

Youth Wages (9%): $840,729

Occupancy (10%): $966,764

Sales Expenses (23%): $2,230,610

Other (17%): $1,615,598

"Knowing that the youth business earns almost 50% of what it takes to run More Than Words changes how you think about it. It makes me realize that what I do here actually does matter. Being a youth on the job isn’t a small thing. If the youth don’t show up and the youth don’t put in work, then the social enterprise fails and the mission doesn’t get met."

-William, Graduate

Our Supporters

The work of our young people is leveraged by donations, grants, and contracts from individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies. Thank you for investing in our youth!

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